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中国国际广播电台:Romanian Puppet Play Shown at China National Theatre for Children

来源:CNTC    更新时间:2016-08-12    查看次数:


Tandarica Animation Theatre, one of the oldest puppet theaters in Romania, is presently on tour in China. They gave an English-language play Who Are You at the China National Theatre for Children on Saturday in Beijing.

Who Are You starts from a kitten, who went too far from home and got lost in a forest. The kitten then embarked on an adventure looking for her fellows, or the other like-minded animals. 

From rabbit and squirrel to willow, oak and cypress, the kitten looks in somewhat similar to them but in other ways very different. So can she finally be taken back home? 

This play of puppets and actors is designed to help child audiences question relations between equals and diversity among animals.

Set up in 1945 under the name of 'Tandarica Puppet Theater', Tandarica Animation Theatre has set up a long-term partnership with China National Theatre for Children. The theatre also traveled to China and gave performances in four big cities between last July and August, including Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan and Chengdu.

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