A Japanese children's musical, which aims to arouse public concern on environmental protection, will land on the stage of the China National Theatre for Children this coming weekend.
The musical, Scrap, started from a young girl Chihiro who went to a huge scrap heap and saw many strange things. After that she followed four pilots to travel out of Earth.
They reached a planet which was full of scraps, just like a world controlled by scraps, where a huge fire breathing Scrap Monster with a glinting eye suddenly attacked them.
Will Chihiro and her fellow members eventually be able to travel safely back to Earth?
The musical is part of an exchange program between the theatre and a Japan foundation during the ongoing China Children's Theatre Festival.
In addition, a workshop affiliated to this Japanese musical opened on Thursday, giving interested children the training in dancing hiphop and Rock 'n' roll.
The participating children would compete after they get familiar with these dances.
The workshop is arranged with an aim to arouse children's interest in learning some fundamental skills necessary in drama and musical performances.